Christ News Today

@ChristianBroadcastingNetwork / YouTbe
Churches are celebrating a revival in Brazil’s Amazon region after seeing over 14,500 people baptized during a six-month period. The Amazon rain forest region is home to some 30 million people in Brazil, making it a ripe place for evangelists. Foursquare churches, which have some 3,200 congregations, are leading the charge. CBN News spoke with…

Adobe Stock | Inset: Alistair Begg / Youtube
Pastor Alistair Begg attended the Sing! Conference in Nashville, Tennessee and he had strong words against what he called a growing Biblical illiteracy and “consumer” worship mentality in America. He pointed at the diminishing prominence of the altar on church stages as a sign of Scripture’s diminishing importance in churches, giving way to gimmicks and…

The Order of Carmel in the Diocese of Avila, Spain | Inset: Adobe Stock
Catholics are calling the recent exhumation of the body of St. Teresa of Avila a miracle after her body was found to be “incorruptible,” nearly 450 years after her death. St. Teresa’s tomb, located in the Spanish town of Ronda, was reopened the end of last month by a group of Discalced Carmelite nuns, monks…

Adobe Stock | Inset: CBN News / YouTube
Ruslan KD has become a familiar face in the culture war of Christians pushing back against an increasingly godless culture. His YouTube channel has 625,000 subscribers. His videos range from all sorts of topics, from facing demonic influences, to interviews with former homosexuals, and discussions on the Shroud of Turin. Apart from his podcast, Ruslan…

@pastormike_nlc / Instagram
A revival event at the Corpus Christ campus of Texas A&M saw nearly 1,500 students in attendance and 62 people making the decision to be baptized. New Life Church helped organize the event, with New Life Young Adults Pastor Tarik Whitmore preaching a message on Isaiah 6 to the crowd. Speaking with The Christian Post,…

Adobe Stock | Inset: Rabbi Jason Sobel / Facebook
Rabbi Jason Sobel was raised in a Jewish home in New Jersey. As he grew up, on the outside he seemed to be thriving- working in a large recording studio in New York City with rappers and rock stars. Yet he was on a quest for something more. “I looked at their life, and I…

@AlanaTempleton / X
Ohio State University football players are celebrating a big win, but it’s one that took place off the football field. On August 25th, several Christian groups hosted a revival event at the university’s Curl Market, with a number of former and current players sharing testimonials. The event also saw around 60 people baptized, with as…

Israel Antiquities Authority / Facebook
Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have announced the discovery of an ancient and rare 2,700-year-old seal found near the southern wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The seal is made of black stone, with the inscription “Le Yehoʼezer ben Hoshʼayahu,” or “For Yeho’ezer son of Hosh’ayahu.” The inscription is written backwards so…

Adobe Stock | Inset: WebstaffFC / Wikimedia Commons
In a bold statement that has sparked conversations within the Christian community, Pastor Ed Young, the founding and senior pastor of the multi-site Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, recently called out those who criticize megachurches for being “too big.” Young, whose church boasted a reported weekly attendance of over 24,000 in 2020, argues that such…

Adobe Stock
In the 1980s, Abdu Murray was a devout Muslim who sought to dismantle the faith of Christians, whom he saw as wanting to recognize God’s greatness but doing so in the wrong way. Murray himself grew up in a Muslim home and has lived in the Detroit area his whole life. He began his quest…

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