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‘He’s the Only Way’: Thousands Put Up ‘Jesus 2020’ Signs Ahead of Election
Lesli White
Thousands around the country are putting up “Jesus 2020” yard signs across America to remind people how much we need Jesus. “People need Jesus with everything that’s going on,” Joyce Hubbard, one of the Jesus 2020 co-organizers, told Fox News in an interview. “He’s the only one that we can count on. He’s the one…
President Trump Says COVID-19 Pandemic is God’s Way of “Testing” Him
Megan Bailey
President Donald Trump believes that that COVID-19 pandemic is God’s way of testing him after building the best economy in the world, he said during a speech in Minnesota on Monday. “We achieved together and what we’re doing together is nothing short of an economic miracle. And now we’re doing it again. We did it.…
Thousands Celebrate Christ at “Riots to Revival” Event Despite Protesters Shouting “Hail Satan”
Megan Bailey
California evangelist Sean Feucht’s has been holding “Riot to Revival” worship concerts in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington; two cities that have seen nothing but riots and protests in the last few months. Thousands are attending Feuchet’s events in search of “salvation, healing, miracles, and baptisms”. Feucht shared a video on Instagram of a recent…
Pastor Claims the Escalating Border Conflict in Israel is a Sign of the Apocalypse
Megan Bailey
Christian evangelist and YouTube star Paul Begley believes the world is coming to an end and says that the catastrophic events of 2020 are clear signs. Begley has cited the coronavirus pandemic and several eclipses as indicators of the end times on his YouTube channel with nearly 340,000 followers. Recently, he’s discussed how the Holy…
Report: 245 Million People Could Lose Access to Bibles Due to COVID-19
Megan Bailey
Over 80 businesses that are involved with translating or distribution the Bible across the world are at risk of closing down due to loss of funding because of the COVID-19 crisis. A donation fund has been set up, with a goal of £5 million, to help maintain their goal of spreading the Word of God.…
‘Lucifer’s Time is Short’: Christian Evangelist Predicts the Rise of the Antichrist
Lesli White
The end of the world is near as well as the coming of the Antichrist, a prominent pastor is claiming. Could there be proof to his assertion? The Second Coming of Christ regards the future return of Jesus to Earth, following His ascension when He will defeat the Enemy, destroy evil, and His millennial kingdom.…
China’s Low-Income Christians Are Told to Renounce Christ or Lose Government Assistance
Lesli White
In another attempt by the Chinese government to suppress Christianity, Christian citizens who receive social welfare payments have been told they must abandon their faith or risk losing the money they use to survive. According to a new report by Bitter Winter, a watchdog that monitors reports of persecution in China, this policy affects low-income…
1,200-Year-Old Cross Discovered in Pakistan, May Be Proof Christianity Was There ‘Before Islam Came’
Lesli White
b.tech_gamer / Youtube
A giant cross recently discovered in the mountains of Pakistan implies that Christianity existed before many researchers knew. The 1,200-year-old cross, made of marble weighs three to four tons and span seven feet from top to bottom, was discovered by a team from the University of Baltistan, Skardu in Himalayan mountains near Baltistan, the Union…
Churches and Statues Badly Burned and Vandalized Across Multiple States
Lesli White
In separate incidents across the nation, several churches and statues of religious figures were severely damaged in several states. These incidents are being investigated in light of recent protests over statues and monuments that some consider a form of white supremacy. One state where vandalizing took place over the weekend was Florida. According to a…
Satanic Temple to Sue Mississippi if “In God We Trust” is Added to State Flag
Megan Bailey
Flickr/Jeff Vize
The Satanic Temple is warning Mississippi that it will pursue a lawsuit against the state if it puts the phrase “In God We Trust” on its flag. Recently, Republican Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed a law to change the state flag in order to remove the Confederate battle flag, which has long been on the…
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