Christ News Today

Pastor Joel Osteen said he hasn’t been rattled in any sex abuse scandals plaguing the Catholic Church because he’s been committed to the “Billy Graham rule,” which involves men avoiding time alone with women who aren’t their wives, according to a recent interview in the Christian Post. Osteen, a bestselling author and pastor of Houston’s…

The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem was celebrated by over 90 million Christians across 170 countries, and more than 1,000 Christians traveled from across the world to join Christian and Jewish leaders at the Haas Promenade for an interfaith prayer. Overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, the people prayed for peace and…

Indonesia officially requires that freedom of religion be ensured for all citizens, but that has not stopped authorities from finding ways to show Christians they are not welcome in the Muslim-majority country. The latest in Christian persecutions is the sudden closure of churches in Sumatra without warning or explanation. The International Christian Concern said that…
For those who have visited the lowest point on the face of the earth, Ezekiel’s end-of-days prophecy of the Dead Sea coming to life seems impossible. Yet recently, scientists have been shocked to discover that the sinkholes appearing around the sea are quickly filling up with fish and other forms of life previously unseen in the…

A group of archaeologists have discovered compelling evidence which they believe supports the biblical account of Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and into the promised land of Canaan. Historical evidence of the Exodus, a foundation to Christianity, so far hasn’t been found. Many archaeologists believed the Israelites hadn’t fled from Egypt,…

Hours before a Benton High School home football game, two students were ordered to carry out the school’s decision to violate a contract with a donor. The reason? The donor, a local gym, paid $3,500 to have its logo painted in the end zone and used a cross and reference to the Bible in its…

In 1967, the year of the Summer of Love and the Hippy Movement, thousands of hippies gathered on the beaches of California and found Christ. In fact, estimates say that at least 250,000 people became Christians during this period. Four years prior, JFK had been assassinated, people rallied together to protest the Vietnam War. Tensions…

President Ronald Reagan made one last effort to convert his dying father-in-law in hopes that he would accept Christ in his life. A lost handwritten letter revealed from 1982 shows Reagan quoting Scripture, pointing to Old Testament prophecy and using apologetics while pleading with his atheist father-in-law in an attempt to save him. “We have…

Security has been heightened in Garisa county after a group of al-Shabaab militants ambushed a bus in Garissa county on the morning of Friday, killing two Christians on the spot. According to International Christian Concern, the terrorists, armed with AK 47 refiles, ordered the passengers off the bus and demanded to see their identification, in…

Over 2,000 years ago, Christ told His followers to take up their crosses and follow Him. Over the centuries, many Christians have done exactly that. They have faced persecution, hatred and innumerable trials as their way of taking up the cross. One modern man, however, has taken that imperative very literally. Patrick Styles hails from…

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