Christ News Today

A group of walkers going up a mountain in Caerphilly County were amazed when they saw Jesus standing right in front of them. What travelers actually saw was an 8ft high fiberglass statue on Twmbarlwm’s summit. The statue was carried over stiles and fences by endurance runners. Those walking by the statue couldn’t help but…

In all the worst ways, Rome has risen again for Christianity. Christian persecution is becoming commonplace across the world. In areas like the Middle East, it is a long-standing problem that has gotten worse. In other places, violent persecution has suddenly become a major issue. India falls in the latter category. In recent years, India…

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During a sermon at Azusa Pacific University, Evangelist Francis Chan called out the American Church and encouraged believers to read through the Book of Revelation. Many Christians are misled about what Jesus’ return will be like. “John sees Jesus, the Risen Jesus, you know and we all think, ‘Oh, if I could see Jesus right…

It is not news to most people that Christianity is declining in the West, especially in Europe. It may hearten American Christians to know, however, that their determined hold on their faith has been noticed. A recent study by Pew Research examined what it is like to be a Christian in different countries around the world…

The persecution of Christians continues to increase around the world. Claiming Christ in parts of the world can lead to violence, imprisonment and death. One of these places is Iran, where Islam is the official religion. Iran’s government just gave four Christians a very harsh prison sentence – 45 years – for their faith in…

There is always something exciting about archaeological discoveries. These glimpses into the past fascinate humanity, and discoveries that relate to faith are often even more intriguing due to the extra weight and importance lent to them. As such, archaeologists can unearth few things that are more compelling to the general public than ancient Bible manuscripts.…

An Indian pastor and his son were beaten with sticks and clubs by a group of about 30 Hindu radicals in Jaida village, India, Daily Express reports. Ramesh Vasunia, 43, and his son Rahul were returning by motorcycle from a prayer meeting when they were ambushed and viciously attacked without explanation. Pastor Ramesh told persecution…

Helen Bond and Joan Taylor, both Bible experts have used forensic examination of the New Testament to understand how women were really viewed 2,000 years ago. The two say they may have unearthed secrets which could change how millions of Christians across the world observe their faith. While the Bible is male-dominated, there were women…
Embed from Getty Images The ruling party in China is attempting to increase their control over religious freedom in the country, most recently by taking a crackdown on Christianity. In the country’s province of Henan, which has one of the largest Christian populations in China, churches were raided and demolished, Bibles and holy books were…

Pope Francis is back after a well-deserved month of vacation with a warning to the faithful. When he resumed his weekly lessons on the Catholic catechism, Pope Francis told his weekly general audience that there was a “supermarket of idols” available in the modern world. These idols, the Pope reminded those listening, promised happiness to…

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