Christ News Today

Archaeologists working in Israel recently uncovered a reliquary that may have once held the remains of three apostles: Philip, Andrew and Peter. Archaeologists working with Professor Mordechai Aviam of the Kinneret Academic College uncovered the 661 pound basalt block with three smooth compartments in the top while they were investigating the ruins of a church…

Tonight, the full moon will turn blood red as the longest total lunar eclipse of the century until 2123. Paul Begley, an Indiana-based pastor is known to preach on conspiracy theories about the end of the world is linking this historic event to the Blood Moon. Begley, who thinks we are living in the End…

Archaeologists have found yet another piece of biblical history buried in Israel. This time, researchers uncovered the entrance gate to an ancient city. Known as Zer in the Old Testament and Bethsaida in the New Testament, the ruins in the Golan Heights were discovered by a team of 20 archaeologists working with Hebrew Union College.…

In the Christian religion, doubt has almost always been held up as the opposite of faith. As such, many Christians are horrified and ashamed when they struggle with doubt. They fear that they are losing their faith when they have doubts. According to Pastor Steven Furtick from the Elevation Church in North Carolina, however, doubt…

Most Americans are at least peripherally aware that atheism is on the rise. Given how the comment sections on faith-based blogs, websites, articles and videos always have at least one atheistic zealot declaring that religion is a fairy tale and religious people are morons, it would be rather difficult to miss the rise of atheism…

In simple terms, an exorcism is a ritual to rid someone of evil spirits that are plaguing them. While they aren’t something we see performed very much in America, they still have a place in other parts of the world. Recently there was a mass exorcism ritual held at a church outside the Ethiopian capital…

Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte seems to be playing a bizarre game of chicken with God: How long can Duterte mock God before he needs to worry about an old fashioned smiting? The answer is unclear how far Duterte can go before he needs to start trying to dodge lightning bolts, but Philippine Christians are getting…

Most people have gone stargazing at least once in their life. Some people find the idea of staring at the sky a waste of time, others think fondly back on childhood moments with friends or parents and still others become all but obsessed with watching the movements of the heavens. While most people do not…

Most American’s are incredibly proud to share their nationality, so it’s no wonder that congregations across the United States want to hoist a flag in their church sanctuaries. However, is this a good practice? Local churches have debated this topic for years. Is it OK for the american flag to hang in the sanctuary? What…

Nigeria, with a population of 186 million people, is Africa’s most populous nation. It is nearly twice as populous as Ethiopia, the next most populous country in Africa. Of those 186 million Nigerians, almost half of them are Christians. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say nearly half the population used to be Christian.…

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