Christ News Today

It is said that you can find Jesus anywhere you look for Him, and some people take that idea to some unusual extremes. People have found Jesus in bread, spilled paint, oil shimmers and cracked plaster. A horseshoe crab shell, however, might be a new sort of divine messenger. That is, however, exactly where Cathy…

How many tries does it take to remove God from American currency? So far, atheist Michael Newdow has not managed to find the answer to that question. Instead, yet another of his repeated lawsuits attempting to remove “In God We Trust” from American currency was struck down by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Newdow…

There was another rare archaeological find made this month. Five coins dating to the time of Ezra have been discovered in Jerusalem. According to the Israeli news website YNETNEWs, the coins measure about seven millimeters across. This discovery dates all the way back to the 4th Century, B.C. What else is incredible about this find…

A Jasper County Sheriff’s deputy saved a 3-year-old girl from a house fire Saturday night, and says he did so “by the grace of God”. Texas Deputy Cody Downs happened to be in the area when he received a call about the house fire and was told that there was a 3-year-old child inside. The…
Jesus Christ died on a Roman cross as recorded in the four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. A recent archaeological discovery is providing more evidence that Jesus indeed died more than 2,000 years ago. A new study of the skeletal remains of a man buried in northern Italy 2,000 years ago reveals a…

Support for Israel has been a staple of evangelical political beliefs for many years. The trend of unwavering support for the Jewish nation, however, is not holding true among younger evangelicals. Young people have almost always leaned more politically liberal, and the shift away from support for Israel is the latest facet of the widening…

The number of people seeking exorcisms for demonic possession is rising, and priests are feeling the demand for their help. While medical science remains skeptical, there are many leading experts speaking out about the increased need. Dr. Richard Gallagher, a Princeton and Yale educated psychiatrist, believes demonic possession is indeed very real and claims that…

Jesus is getting evicted. A Baptist church in South Carolina plans to take down a hand-carved statue of Jesus Christ because it’s believed to be too Catholic. The statue, along with accompanying artwork depicting scenes from Christ’s life, will be removed Thursday. The art will be removed because a majority of the congregation voted that…

Sam Blackledge was the 2018 valedictorian of Illinois’ West Prairie High School. As per tradition, he had prepared a speech to give before his classmates during the graduation ceremony. Minutes before Blackledge was to take the stage, however, school administrators demanded that the 18 year old modify his speech. The ordered alterations included the removal…

Trenton McKinley was out with a friend in March. The two were playing with a dune buggy. McKinley took a turn being pulled behind his friend in a utility trailer. Suddenly, McKinley’s friend hit the brakes. McKinley managed to toss his friend’s four year old niece to safety, but his heroics meant he was caught…

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