Christ News Today

It is a strange situation. One of the most popular fast food chains in the country is not welcome in the country’s most populous city because the owners of the fast food chain openly practice their faith, which is the most common faith in the country. This sounds like something out of either a bad…

Tammie Jo Shults, a pilot with Southwest Airlines, faced a tough situation when the plane she was piloting lost one of its engines while airborne at 32,000 feet. However you would have never known how dire the situation was speaking with Shults. She radioed the Philadelphia air traffic controller and calmly stated: “So we have…

YouTube/Bahgal Makar
Does this video show Jesus’ blood leaking out of His tomb? Some claim the alleged tomb of Jesus is “leaking blood” after a video appeared to show red liquid pooling on top of it. Nicola Kanaan, a resident in Galilee, reportedly captured the moment on camera in the video below. The footage shot at the…

Facebook was in the national spotlight this week, but the social media giant would probably have preferred to remain in the shadows. The investigation is officially under scrutiny about the abuse of Facebook user’s data and the social media website’s roll in spreading fake news. The joint session of the Senate Commerce and Judiciary committees’…

Social media outlets have been fielding accusations of suppressing Christian and conservative viewpoints for some time. Facebook found itself back in the spotlight of that debate just before Easter for its response to Franciscan University’s series of advertisements. Franciscan University is a Catholic university in Steubenville, Ohio with approximately 2,500 students. Just before Easter, the…

Italian researchers and experts have new answers about how Jesus looked as a human. This research is based on a study of the Shroud of Turin, a 14-foot linen cloth believed to be what Jesus’ body was wrapped in before He was put in the tomb. The shroud is also believed to be imprinted with…

A project is now underway to rid the area surrounding Jesus’ baptism site of thousands of land mines. The explosive devices remain left over from past Mideast conflicts, and have been surrounding the holy site for nearly five decades. Land mines are scattered all across Israel’s war territory, but particular emphasis has been placed on…

No one, be they an individual or an organization, seems to be able to take to social media without causing a serious backlash at least once. Currently, Twitter seems to be the preferred method for creating a PR firestorm, and Planned Parenthood continued that trend last week.  The organization came under fire after posting a…

Catholics everywhere were up in arms when the Italian leftest newspaper La Repubblica reported that Pope Francis said in an interview that there was no hell. The paper quoted the Pope saying “hell doesn’t exist, the disappearance of the souls of sinners exists.” Furthermore, the paper quoted Pope Francis making other wild claims such describing…

A woman in Florida is filing a federal lawsuit after board members at her condominium complex told her that she could not host Bible studies or play worship music in the common area. First Liberty Institute, a religious liberty law firm who is representing the woman, sent a letter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary…

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