Pastor Greg Laurie / YouTube
In a world marked by unprecedented change and uncertainty, many are seeking answers to the pressing question: Are we living in the end times? Pastor Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California, recently addressed this very topic in a compelling sermon titled “Is Jesus Coming Back Again?”. Drawing from the Bible, Laurie…

Pastor and author Greg Laurie says the war in Israel could be a significant step toward events prophesied in the Bible, and peace supporters should closely monitor the Russia-Iranian coalition, which he described as dangerous. The pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship made his remarks during a sermon after Hamas terrorists killed more than 800 Israelis,…

Pastor Greg Laurie/YouTube
Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie recently discussed the differences between how God will judge Christians and how He’ll judge non-believers during the End Times. In a sermon preached as part of a series on the End Times, Laurie said while everyone will face judgment one day, Christian and non-Christian,” these two groups will face…

CBN News / YouTube | Inset:
Thousands of people lined the stony pathways leading to California’s famous Pirates Cove beach. Amongst the crowd was an older man who went down to the water to publicly express his commitment to the Lord. It was a moment the 85-year-old man’s family thought would never come, but the eternal decision was made during a…
In the past, Billy Graham referred to Pastor Greg Laurie as a “personal friend and one of the great communicators of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our generation.” For Laurie, the feeling was mutual. Throughout the years, Laurie has acknowledged Graham for his discipleship, his leadership and his humility. Laurie also recognized him as…

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