While chatting with Mickey Maudlin after our show in San Francisco on Thursday, he happened to mention that Harper One had flown N.T. Wright over for the day to appear on The Colbert Report. Well, the adrenaline rush of the Rollin’ Gospel Revival makes it hard to get right to sleep at night, so I found myself up late watching Colbert’s interview with Tom Wright about his new book, Surprised by Hope. The last time I saw Tom Wright a group of us were seated together crossing our fingers hoping to get onto a flight out of the Bahamas before an impending tropical storm. For an Anglican bishop and theologian, Tom Wright is surprisingly gregarious and adventuresome–snorkeling with a group of us in the Caribbean and cracking jokes over a glass of wine. On Thursday night he did a great job matching Colbert’s energy and humor, while making his point about life after the after life.

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