We are heading to Bend, Oregon for the 12th show of this first leg. The tour has gone great. But exhausting. Last night in Seattle, we had the privilege of hosting our friend from the Emergent Jewish Rabbi network (we will have a video in a day or so). We hooked in with these folks…

In the memorandum that we sent out to hosts for the Church Basement Roadshow, we delicately requested a healthy meal before the show (i.e. No pizza). The organizers of our first three shows interpreted “healthy” in exactly the same fashion and presented us with a meal of roasted chicken, green salad, pitas and hummus. We…

While chatting with Mickey Maudlin after our show in San Francisco on Thursday, he happened to mention that Harper One had flown N.T. Wright over for the day to appear on The Colbert Report. Well, the adrenaline rush of the Rollin’ Gospel Revival makes it hard to get right to sleep at night, so I…

From the San Diego Union-Tribune: It’s not often that you can go out for an evening and enjoy book readings, musical theater and a spiritual message – all in the same place. But that’s exactly what happened for those who showed up for “The Church Basement Roadshow: A Rollin’ Gospel Revival” Sunday night at Christ…

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