We’ve had some great shows in the past few days, but last night may have taken the cake. We presented our show in the basement of the stately First United Methodist Church in Wichita, Kansas. The basement was packed — it was our biggest show yet with over 250 in attendance. Young and old were there, from 6 months to 90 years. And, by all measurements, they loved the show.
I met some of the staff members of First UMC-Wichita a couple years ago at the National Cathedral, and we really hit it off (I wrote a bit about that conference in my book).
I don’t know exactly what it is, but I feel a great resonance with the people of Wichita. They’re Midwesterners, like me, and they’re a complex mix between evangelical and mainline. I could tell from the beginning of Doug’s monologue that they were right there with him theologically.
After the show, we hung in the parking lot with some of our Wichita friends, and they even delivered fair trade coffee to us this morning.
Wichita is good people.

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