Sometimes, the Associated Press writers have a subtle sense of humor:

Man in ape suit sought for trying to steal bananas

By Associated Press

May. 21, 2009 6:06 p.m. | Fond du Lac – Fond du Lac police continue a fruitless search for a man wearing an ape costume who has attempted to steal foam banana displays from inside local gas stations.

Capt. Steve Klein says Thursday someone donning an ape costume entered two gas stations Wednesday trying to steal the displays and police have received several calls about the suspect hanging around town.

While Klein acknowledges that the action may seem funny, they want to talk to the person behind the ape suit because they aren’t sure what the suspect’s motives are.

Ah, Wisconsin! In other news, it’s Bratfest here in Madison. Normally bratwurst is pork galore, but I’ve heard that there are enterprising locals who make all-beef versions. Would that be sacrilege? I’ve never had a brat (for the obvious reason) and am suddenly intensley curious. Anyone who can point me to where I can find a beef brat, I’d be much grateful.

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