The health care summit at the White House has begun – here’s the live video feed from JOIN THE LIVE CHAT VISIT WHITEHOUSE.GOV mcjoan at dkos had a preview of the summit earlier which takes a pretty pessimistic view of expectations. But I like what I’m hearimng from Sen. Lamar (R-TN) so far, about…

Have you ever had COBRA health insurance coverage? It’s the stopgap insurance coverage you get after you leave a job, intended to fill the gap in your coverage until you find a new job (and doesn’t last forever, which is why extended unemployment still leaves people uninsured. This in a nutshell why single-payer/Medicare for all…

I’ve been saying repeatedly, a nuclear Iran is inevitable and neither increased engagement nor sanctions nor outright invasion or attack will prevent it. The brain trust at LoG are in agreement: My friends, the Iranians are going to get a nuclear weapon. Either that or they will reach a state like Canada and Japan where…

Back in 2005, the then-majority Republicans were the ones who insisted that filibusters were obstructing the will of the people and that the Senate had a democratic obligation to do an “up or down vote”. Today, the Republicans are the minority and they have obstructed health care desperately needed by Americans for no reason other…

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