I am fasting today for the first day of the holy month of Rajab al Asab. Rajab is the month in which the Prophet SAW ascended for a tour of Heaven from the Rock in Jerusalem, called the Night of Ascent (Laylatul Me’raj).

It’s also worth noting that the arrival of Rajab is also a herald for the arrival of Ramadan in two months. Today’s fast is a preparation of sorts, a conditioning. I am acutely aware that sunrise is at 5:21am… and sunset at 8:30pm.

On the merits of fasting in Rajab, Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (SA) has narrated that:

“A person who fasts in the month of Rajab for one year, will be saved from the fire of Hell for one year. He who fasts for two years, will be saved for two years and so on. To one who fasts in the month of Rajab for seven consecutive years, the gates of Hell would close. And for the person who fasts for eight years, the eight gates of Heaven would be opened. To the one who fasts in the month of Rajab for ten consecutive years, it would be said that his deeds are now to be measured anew as all his past sins are forgiven. And beyond that, the reward for fasting for more years increases further.”

I wrote a brief post last year that goes into more detail about the Night of Ascent, including the Prophet’s meeting with Moses AS in Heaven, and a photo of the Rock. Check it out! And Rajab mubarak to all of you.

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