It is true that Osama bin Laden is the most wanted terrorist alive. But someday, a terrorist attack will occur that will make OBL’s lifetime achievements pale in comparison, because it will use a nuclear weapon. When thta day comes, it will be directly attributable to one man: Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb and the leader of a clandestine network that sold nuclear secrets to other nations that sponsor, support and/or harbor terroist groups. It is this man, AQ Khan, who was released by Pakistan from house arrest yesterday.

A court in Pakistan
has ended the house arrest of Abdul Qadeer Khan, a scientist who
admitted selling nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea and Libya.

A UN nuclear watchdog report
said last year that Khan’s network had smuggled nuclear blueprints to
Iran, Libya and North Korea and was active in 12 countries.

Khan said he was proud of what he had done for Pakistan, and that he had no need to answer to any foreign government.
“I will always be proud about what I did for Pakistan,” he said.

I don’t know how this man can sleep at night, knowing what he has unleashed. Then again, his statement about being “proud” for what he did – not for Pakistan, but in the long run, to Pakistan, suggests that for all his technical brilliance, he is a very stupid man indeed.

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