City of Brass

The winners are announced – head over to and check them out! Congratulations to all winners, runners-up, and nominees!

This is the third time that radicalized Al Qaeda celebrity Anwar al Awlaki has been reported killed, but this is the first time it has been confirmed by the US as well as “tribal sources”. According to NYT: In a significant and dramatic strike in the campaign against Al Qaeda, the Defense Ministry here said…

This speech is quite simply a tour-de-force. President Abbas lays out the clear grievance: the settlements, are the sole obstacle to peace. He reiterates the commitment of the PLO and the Palestinian people to the peace process, and continuing diplomacy with Israel, and again renounces violence. And he rightly notes that the Israeli settlement policy…

At his Gene Expression blog, Razib writes about what atheism and autism have in common. Something he said struck me: humans live in a universe of other actors, agents, which we preoccupy over greatly. Additionally, we can conceive of agents which aren’t present before us. In other words, the plausibility of supernatural narratives derives from…

A commentor (and person I consider a friend) took serious issue with my 9-11 tenth anniversary post, commenting: I have to say I am quite disappointed by this post. It seems you just want to sweep the horrors of the last decade under the carpet, so long as the victims are not American. I must…

The first full moon of September is known as the Harvest moon – it’s a gorgeous, ethereal beacon in the sky. There’s a serenity about the full Harvest moon that captivates the eye and the mind. For months, we’ve watched the corn grow higher and higher, as summer wore on… knowing that the height of…

I spent this day ten years ago in front of televisions and computer screens, transfixed and afraid. We were pregnant with our first child. But it was the day after I remember better, driving to work on a Houston highway with a sense of fear and, yes, terror about what the future would bring. But…

Two days before September 11th, 2001, Ahmed Shah Massoud was assassinated by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. This man was the most celebrated warrior and hero of Afghanistan – a true strategic genius, who outfought first the Soviets and then the Taliban who followed. It is virtually certain that the assassination of Massoud was part of…

This award-winning two-act play was written by my friend Wajahat Ali and is returning to NYC for a special performance commemorating the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The play is a day in the life of a modern Muslim Pakistani-American family of six eclectic, unique members, who convene at the family house to celebrate the twenty-first…

Yesterday, I was invited for a 20 minute segment with Armando Llorens and David Waldman on Daily Kos Radio (SiriusXM Channel 127). I was joined by Faiz Shakir of the Center for American Progress, and the main topics of discussion were the recent Pew poll of American Muslim attitudes and the report on the Islamophobia…

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