Hollywood loves it when movies sail on a sea of controversy, but as Christians, let us make our entertainment choices based upon a serene, logical, wise mind. Golden Sea, original painting by Steve Henderson; licensed open edition print available at Great Big Canvas.

The flood of media love for the Russell Crowe movie, Noah, awashes the brain. It reminds me of Mel Gibson’s 2004 Passion of the Christ, and people are saying the same things now, as they said back then.

Let’s look at some of these tedious pronouncements people are making about Noah that echo what they preached during Gibson’s moneymaking affair — because that’s what these movies do, my friend: they make somebody a lot of money. Before you determine whether some of that donation money will be yours, just make sure you’re not attending for any of these reasons:

Myth 1) It’s so wonderful that Hollywood is making family-friendly, and Biblically-based, fare! If we want more of the same, we need to attend.

You’ve got that right: as long as you put down the money, Hollywood will make more of the same, and in the case of Noah, look at the disclaimer:

This film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The Biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.

Christians are so desperate to be heard in Hollywood that we’ll take anything, even a production by an atheist director who describes his epic as “the least biblical film ever made.”

Yep, we’re getting more of the same all right.

Myth 2) You can’t expect a non-Christian to get it all right, but he did his best.

Director Darren Aronofsky isn’t stupid, and it can’t be much of a stretch to read four chapters out of Genesis and get the general import. He also can’t be unaware that his particular interpretation has a high chance of insulting many people who truly do believe in the “essence, value, and integrity” of what is not only a beloved story, but actual history, in their eyes.

Did Noah rise out of the sea? Was he a she? Did he tread water during the flood? We can get into all sorts of “interpretations,” if we choose. Aphrodite, original oil painting by Steve Henderson, sold. Licensed open edition print at Great Big Canvas.

How upset would Jane-ites be if Elizabeth Darcy slept with Mr. Bingley, in a “controversial” interpretation of Pride and Prejudice by someone who doesn’t like Jane Austen? Probably more upset than a lot of Christians will be about this movie.

Myth 3) An atheist is the best person to make a Christian film, because he has a more objective approach. Invite him to your next Bible study, and let him replace whoever’s been teaching you up to this time.

Too many Christians mentally genuflect at words of perceived wisdom by people who openly discredit God and His book. And yet these same Christians won’t interpret the words for themselves, because they might get it wrong. Of the two, atheists or Christians (even dithering ones), which group has the Holy Spirit as its guide?

Myth 4) What a super opportunity this is to witness!

Of what? That the Biblical account of Noah is no more than a fairy tale, and that anyone who believes it’s really true is an idiot?

You can’t witness about something that you’re unsure of yourself, and many Christians, struggling to reconcile the first 11 Chapters of Genesis with the pervasive, persuasive religious message of Darwinism and The Theory (Applied Like Law) of Evolution, don’t accept Noah’s account as literally true themselves.

Undoubtedly, the movie will do a great job of reinforcing this in their minds, and in the minds of many others.

Myth 5) We need to stop being so judgmental and narrow.

We must be open to different interpretations and ways of looking at this story.

All stories are open to different perspectives, but when we listen to those perspectives, we keep in mind the intent of the person giving them. If that person is hostile to the story, then his interpretation of it is justifiably questionable.

Should you go, or shouldn’t you?

The decision is yours, my friend, and whether or not “high profile religious leaders” approve or not, make up your own mind. It’s your mind; it’s your money; and it’s your judgment that decides how they will both be used.

Thank You

Thank you for joining me at Commonsense Christianity. You know, I really enjoy a thoughtful, thought-provoking, well-made movie, which is why I critically look at any new interpretation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice or Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre!

Wise movie directors know that they owe their viewers a sense of consideration, deference, and respect when they present a new telling of a beloved story, and the lovers of those stories know that they have a right to hold an opinion, based upon their knowledge of and passion for that story. May our knowledge and passion for the Word of God be great indeed.

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