Leaving church — whether a specific fellowship or the industrial model altogether — is not a decision people make lightly. Nor is it one that others take well, and if you are in the process of dropping out of a particular body or the entire conventional, establishment fellowship (i.e., multiple weekly meetings at a specific…

It’s time to bring to a close the age-old debate about whether dogs or cats — and the people who prefer one to the other — are smarter. Not because the general populace has accepted the final resolution of the issue (easy — cats, paws down), but because we have a more pressing question: Are house…

Nowadays, dystopia is the rage. Books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Maze Runner seem written for the sole purpose of being turned into movies, with a concerted effort to engage today’s youth into the idea that life, and the future, are hopeless. A highly promoted genre, dystopian fare addresses a (theoretically, set far-in-the-future) society characterized by overcrowding,…

Some unknown,  unnamed, presumably existent person, long ago, said that we should never talk about sex, religion, and politics. Aside from this eliminating pretty much everything interesting worth discussing — including the weather since, with the growing mantra of “Global Change,” the weather is now political (and religious, actually) — this pithy little saying isn’t followed by…

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