As Christians, we scold ourselves a lot, not the least of which is about prayer. Have you heard this one? “God isn’t Santa Claus, you know, and He gets tired of our putting a wish list in front of Him all the time.” While it’s true that God isn’t Santa Claus, the implication that He…

On a recent visit to my middle daughter (note to self, and parents with three or more children: we MUST find a better term for “middle child”), I was convinced to join her, and a group of ridiculously fit others, at the local CrossFit Gym. CrossFit– a strength and conditioning program that is remarkably suited to…

Dreams are great things. They push us, prod us, exhilarate us, give us hope for a brighter future. They also frustrate us to no end, especially when we have a dream, a desire, a longing, an aching — for years and years and years — but despite how much we work toward it, pray about it, give it back…

In a recent conversation with a five-year-old, it came out that using a pen, in kindergarten, is a prohibited activity. Violation of this particular law results in the punishment of putting one’s head down on the desk. What strikes me most about this issue — other than that it still is an issue, because 46 years ago,…

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