Too many Christians have a thing about the word “free.” When it comes to the free gift of salvation that Jesus willingly hands us, we’re convinced that there’s a catch somehow, and it seriously can’t be as easy as it sounds. Yes, we’re saved, but in order to “prove” that we are involves a lot…

Pretend, for a moment, that you’re a horse. Not an old plug, swaybacked and ugly, so derelict that nobody even wants you for free. I mean, seriously, God loves you as his beautiful, precious daughter or son, so once in awhile, can’t we think of ourselves as something better than tapeworms? So you’re a horse:…

Okay, let’s find a Bible verse. Ready? “God helps those who help themselves.” I’ll give you a few minutes to look, but to save you time, you’ll find it in 2 Obligations 13: 36,  right before the “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” verse. And if you’re looking for 2 Obligations, you won’t find that in the Bible…

Those of you who have read me for awhile can probably guess the answer to any question I posit that begins with, “Is it okay to . . .?” Yeah, the answer’s probably yes, unless the question is something like, “Is it okay to walk up to a complete stranger and tell them that they…

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