It’s Holiday kick-off season, and the way I know is the proliferation of, “Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?” articles, blogs, and sermons. Of course, we all know that the answer is, “No, TRUE Christians don’t celebrate Halloween,” and I was expecting more of the same when I saw BeliefNet’s own Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? by senior editor Rob…

My most recent bureaucratic nightmare involved securing a piece of paper from the local school district. As a homeschooler, I have fortunately not had to often enter the establishment’s hallowed halls, but this last week made up for years of my not being there. Tired of Being Youngest (who is, um, our youngest child), in…

As a Christian and a human being, I avoid the word “should,” because it’s generally used by Person A against Person B, to get Person B to do what Person A wants. So when I use it, I’m serious. And I’m serious about a sentence that Christians regularly bandy about as a means to prove that…

I live in a household where the husband changes the light bulbs. It’s not that it’s beyond my job description; it’s just that I seriously don’t like ladders and I’m not particularly good at dismantling overhead light units without breaking something. So the Norwegian Artist takes this on as his regular project, and my job is to…

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