We at Beliefnet believe in giving hope and comfort to others, especially in times of need. Below we’re spotlighting prayer circles started by some of our members. Whether they’re praying for health, fortune, or solace, you can add your own wishes to the circle.
“Jim’s Projects” Orphanage Projects
“2 full years ago, ‘Jim’s Projects’ had all of the paperwork completed, approved, and accepted to get the funding to begin our work. Yet as of today, we still wait.”
To add your prayer, click here.
Brenda Nelson
“My mom, Brenda Nelson, is very very ill. Without a lung transplant, the doctors have said my mom won’t survive more than 12 to 15 months.”
To add your prayer, click here.
‘Desperate Dad’
“I am an unemployed father of three small children. I am at the very, very end of my tether. I must have a job soon.”
To add your prayer, click here.
Amanda B
“My 17 year old daughter has run away from home and is involved in activities that could forever scar her life or even get her killed.”
To add your prayer, click here.

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