Beliefnet is pleased to present the first 7 days of devotionals from Max Lucado’s “3:16: The Numbers of Hope” (Thomas Nelson, 2007). This is Day 5 of the week-long devotional. If you missed the previous days, stay subscribed to this feed to start over at the end of the week.
“And the child grew and became strong;
he was filled with wisdom,
and the grace of God was upon him.”
–Luke 2:40
When do we get our first clue that Jesus knows he is the Son of God? In the temple of Jerusalem. He is twelve years old. His parents are three days into the return trip to Nazareth before they notice he is missing.
The temple is the last place they think to search. But it is the first place Jesus goes. He doesn’t go to a cousin’s house or a buddy’s playground. Jesus seeks the place of godly thinking and, in doing so, inspires us to do the same. By the time Joseph and Mary locate their son, he has confounded the most learned men in the temple.
As a young boy, Jesus already senses the call of God. But what does he do next? Recruit apostles and preach sermons and perform miracles? No, he goes home to his folks and learns the family business.
That is exactly what you should do. Want to bring focus to your life? Do what Jesus did. Go home, love your family, and take care of business. But, Max, I want to be a missionary. Your first mission field is under your roof. What makes you think they’ll believe you overseas if they don’t believe you across the hall?
From 3:16: The Numbers of Hope, by Max Lucado (2007). Used with permission of Thomas Nelson Publishers, Inc.

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