[To the Syrophoenician woman, Jesus said], “Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs” (Mark 7:28).

This woman has just asked that her daughter be healed, but Jesus’ response seems rude and insensitive. However, the woman’s response — “Even the dogs under the table can eat the children’s crumbs” — suggests that they are involved in friendly banter, verbally sparing with one another. This is one of many passages where Jesus is willing to use humor in his ministry.

Humor is a great antidote to despair. Even in the gravest situations, joy still has the upper hand. What situations are you or a loved one facing that an appropriate use of humor might communicate joy? What would be other ways the joy — which arises out of utter confidence in God’s power — can be infused into the situation?

–Mark Galli
This is part of Mark Galli’s guided journal, “Discovering the Untamable God,” a 12-week journey through the Gospel of Mark. Twice a week, you’ll receive a new journaling prompt encouraging you encounter the wild, untamable Jesus of the Gospel of Mark and let his radical sayings and actions transform your life. Use these prompts in your own journal or in group discussion. If you’re joining this journal mid-way through, you can start journaling at any time, and stay subscribed at the end, when the journal will restart and you can receive the prompts that you missed.

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