[Jesus] rebuked Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things. (Mark 8:33).

When Peter refuses to acknowledge that Jesus must suffer and die, Jesus calls Peter demonic, and they get into an argument. To Jesus, the way of suffering and death is God’s way to life and peace. To deny that is to deny God.

Where in your life are you, like Peter, fighting against suffering? What difference would it make if you submitted yourself to the suffering as the divine means of bringing life and peace?

–Mark Galli
This is part of Mark Galli’s guided journal, “Discovering the Untamable God,” a 12-week journey through the Gospel of Mark. Twice a week, you’ll receive a new journaling prompt encouraging you encounter the wild, untamable Jesus of the Gospel of Mark and let his radical sayings and actions transform your life. Use these prompts in your own journal or in group discussion. If you’re joining this journal mid-way through, you can start journaling at any time, and stay subscribed at the end, when the journal will restart and you can receive the prompts that you missed.

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