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“I have not felt his presence since he has been gone. He was very depressed this last year. I have been praying for the release of his soul to be let go.” Add your prayers now

“Please pray that God softens and opens his heart to see that we were meant to be together and come back home.” –phammond Add your prayers now

“Please pray for my son in that he will be safe.” Add your prayers now

“Pray for him to somehow get well, or if it truly is his time, pray there is no pain so he can enjoy the time he has with his wife and daughter.” –FLEAFLEA Add your prayers now

“Please pray that God will provide people in the Spirit of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to guide and direct this life.” Add your prayers now

“Please pray for a healthy and strong recovery for Dave. He has undergone treatment for tonsil cancer. Please pray that he will regain his strength and good health quickly.” –mumz Add your prayers now

“She is right now in her final term of pregnancy with her first child.” –CayetanoDVasquez Add your prayers now

“A young woman who is searching for her spiritual path.” Add your prayers now

“I love him with all my heart. I cannot eat sleep or work. I am so depressed all I can do is cry.” –Brokenhearted777 Add your prayers now

“Please pray for Trevor who is 16 years old and facing the possible loss of a leg from a staph infection.” –windymtnlady Add your prayers now

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