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“Please pray for my friend who was recently diagnosed with leukemia and is undergoing chemo therapy.” Posted by believer1120

“I pray every day for the Lord to work a miracle and my daughter will turn her life around and accept Jesus as her Savior.” Posted by danarae48

“Please help my sister find her way in life.” Posted by anne_pink25

“My wife of 21 years has been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.” Posted by Pappy2toes

“Please pray for my husband Joshua while he is over in Afghanistan.” Posted by imalwayslate

“Please bless us with the strength to hold onto our relationship during these uncertain and dangerous times in Tunisia. May God provide us with the capability to be with one another.” Posted by Juliealvarez

“I have a unique endocrinological condition where my body secretes highly excessive amounts of cortisol (hypercortisolism). I have had this disorder since 2002 (severely since 2004).” –grampsone

“I am a single mother barely making it. I am trying to get my career off the ground and move toward inner happiness and relationship success.” –Schavonne

“That my wife would turn her heart back unto God.” –JAMESBOX56

“I am self sabotaging myself and all of my relationships (family/friend), they say I am becoming a negative dark person. I am desperately searching for salvation, comfort, compassion, patience, hope, guidance.” –spdgurl

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