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“Our beloved S. is bravely enduring a rare and terrible illness that presents her with daily pain and uncertainty.” –solange

“Her husband of 12 years wants a divorce and she still loves him; they have one child together.” –sherrlynn

“Dear God, please send your Holy Spirit in the mind of our Gabriel. Help him to remember what he learns.” –tiloulovelove

“This is for all of those who are experiencing difficulties.” –World_Unity

“While I have made some mistakes, I have tried to live an upright life and be a good man.” –onyx269

“We have been together for 8 years and have a wonderful little boy. We barely get along.” –consecrated

“Please pray for our cousin Steven who is bravely facing a serious battle with advanced cancer in several areas of his body.” –consecrated

“My husband has an alcohol and drug problem.” –pazyamor73

“My husband has filed for divorce, after 20 years of marriage. I ask for prayers for my marriage. The divorce is not final and I pray that God will give my husband a change of heart.” –regina60

“I struggle with not hurting myself, such as drinking too much or cutting myself.” –evinmaria Add your prayers now

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