(This weblog creates, for us all, a chance to meet at the interaction of Life and the New Spirituality. It is written by the author of Conversations with God, the worldwide best-selling series of books. The “New Spirituality” is defined by the author as “a new way to experience and express our natural impulse toward the Divine without making others wrong for the way in which they are doing it.”)

* Do we really have a role in creating our lives?
* What we can do next
* The Process of Personal Creation
* Do our intentions matter?

As Hurricane Dean swirls its way across land and sea I would like to address the last of the three questions I asked in this space yesterday. You will recall that in the previous entry here I posed these inquiries as Dean makes headlines…

And just where is God in all of this? Can praying help at this stage? Is there anything we can do to reverse the impact of this planetary temperature shift, now so clearly and obviously real?

The answer to the final question is yes, there is much we can do. I won’t outline all the possibilities here, but instead invite you, after finishing this blog, to navigate over to www.dosomething.org for a list of practical suggestions; for ways that you can become involved in the effort to reverse the worst impact of global warming in the years ahead.
In this space, I would like to continue exploring some of the spiritual awarenesses that hover around this, in my experience.
If we see ourselves as the creators of our own experience — if we are ready today to enroll in the membership of that group living upon the earth that I have come to call Creationists — then we must ask ourselves…

…how does the Process of Personal Creation work?
Conversations with God gives us some very direct answers here. We are told that there are Three Tools of Creation: Thought, Word, and Deed. What we think, what we say, and what we do sets into motion the Mechanism of Manifestation.
Let me explain how this mechanism works. The following is taken from my latest book, Happier Than God: A Master’s Manual for Spiritual Awakening (to be released in October, from Hampton Roads Publishing Company):
You are an Individuation of the Undifferentiated Form that is God.
Let me repeat that, so that the awesome implication is not missed. You are an Individuation of the Undifferentiated Form that is God.
Some of what God is, has differentiated as us, and some of the unlimited energy that God is remains undifferentiated—waiting for us to differentiate it!
Now things get a little complicated here so…yes, you know already…keep tracking.
God has already differentiated Itself in the realm of No-Time in every form there ever was, is now, and ever will be. The work of life is done. Its mission has been accomplished. It has Individuated into Everything already. This means that everything in the Field of Infinite Possibilities is already there. Or, to put it another way, it is there, all ready!
All we have to do is call it forth, bringing it into our reality. Book after book has been written on this, but none has seriously attempted to explain the mechanism by which manifestation works.
We know now that just as medical science can “coax” stem cells to take on the form of any cell in the body, creating heart tissue, bones, and even brain tissue to replace damaged body parts, so, too, can God “coax” Its Undifferentiated Form into any physical shape or non-physical form whatsoever—and has done so! These many shapes and forms are called life!
(An example of a “non-physical form” is a feeling. For instance, God can appear in a person’s life in the form of love. Or a feeling of forgiveness. Or—as often happens at the moment of a person’s death—a feeling of being totally safe and embraced and “welcomed home.” Those feelings are God, in non-physical form.)
The Mechanism of Manifestation is a process that begins with “remembering” Who We Really Are (we are one of the many forms of this “shape-shifting God”) and all that we have already done (we have created everything that is), and then remembering specific aspects of what has been already created.
When we separated our Selves from God in order to produce the experience of Individuation, we did so by dismembering our Divine Self and all of our creations.
Now, when we choose to make any aspect of Our Divine Self manifest in our reality, all we have to do is re-member that creation. We do this through the expressions of life called thoughts, words, actions, and feelings.
How does this work? Well, it is really quite simple. Everything in life is energy. Everything. Everything in life is vibrating. Everything. Vibration is the movement of energy. It is The Essence, manifesting Itself in differing Form through the elegant process of movement.
Everything is connected to everything else. Everything. There is nothing that is “disconnected” or “dismembered.” We only think that there is. Disconnection and dismembering is impossible.
The All Of Everything really is all an enormous, larger than fathomable, matrix. The matrix is vibrating at differing frequencies in different locations. These differences could be called local disturbances in the energy field—like a pebble dropped into a pond.
You are a local disturbance. So are your thoughts, your words, your actions. Words vibrate. Thoughts vibrate. Actions vibrate. Words are nothing more than sounds, of course, and sound is nothing more than the vibration of energy at certain frequencies. Thoughts are less dense, and so vibrate at different frequencies. Actions are more dense, and vibrate at still other frequencies.
The act of “creation” is simply the act of tuning into the vibration of that which already exists in the All of Everything and drawing it to you. You are not really “creating” anything, but merely noticing that it has already been created, and magnetizing it—or attracting it.
The process of attraction is simply a matter of adjusting your own energy to match the energy of that which you wish to experience. Again, you are not creating anything, you are merely experiencing the Already Created. You do this by pulling it to you, by “calling it forth” from the Field of Infinite Possibilities.
As I said earlier, the Three Tools of Creation are Thought, Word, and Deed. Everything you think, everything you say, and everything you do creates energy—and thus, your reality. For your “reality” is nothing more than the sum total of your energies and the energies they attract.
The Mechanism of Manifestation is just “energy matching.” It is the attuning of vibration to resonate with that aspect of universal energy which an Individuation desires to experience.
“Reality” is a word meaning “what is being experienced Right Here, Right Now.” Remember, that is the only thing that can be experienced. You cannot experience yesterday, you can only remember it. You cannot experience tomorrow, you can only anticipate it. The only thing in the Universe that you can experience is Here and Now.
Nothing is really “real,” it is only “real” to the degree that you are experiencing it. Another way to put this is that by experiencing it, you make it real.
Experiencing is all about resonating. It is about the energies of the Essence that you draw to you and through you Right Here, Right Now. You call this “creation.”
Creation is resonation.
(This exploration continues in this space on Thursday.)
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