Is suffering necessary in life on Earth? No, says Conversations with God. And all the spiritual masters of the world through all the ages have agreed. Yet how is this possible?
Yesterday in the Comments Section of this blog the person posting as “ManFromTheMoon” asked…

do we have to suffer, or not??? In one place God seems to say “No”, but in other God seems to say “Yes”… So is suffering necessary???
And if not, there is a question –

Dear friend…this question is answered at the end of CWG-Book 3. There, God tell us that the Contextual Field within which all possibilities exist includes every physical location in the entire Universe (some 800 billion light years wide) and every awareness in the non-physical reality (such as, for instance, human memory).
Therefore, when God says that human begins do not “have to” suffered (that is, suffering is not required), God is saying what is so. And when God tells us in another part of CWG that a context within which non-suffering can be experienced is necessary, God is also saying what is so. In CWG God has explained it all for us. Please read, in particular, the final chapters of Conversations with God-Book 3 – which, incidentally, has just been reissued in an updated version by Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
The bottom line: No one has to suffer on Earth for “non-suffering” to exist. We have plenty of memory of suffering to create a context within which a life without it can be experienced. There is also suffering elsewhere in the present physical reality. Elsewhere on earth, and elsewhere in the cosmos. So we do not have to invite “suffering” into our own backyard in order to know of it.
Okay? Got it?
Now, to other items…
Yesterday we spoke here about the Old Spirituality and the New Spirituality. And in my Weekly Bulletin for the Conversations with God Foundation I touched on the same subject this week…in a little more detail. There, I offered this:
A lady in the spiritual renewal retreat that I facilitated in Ausburg, Germany in September of ’08 asked me a question that will live on in my memory forever–because it so perfectly epitomizes the human condition.
The lady allowed as to how she had used the “Law of Attraction” to create the ‘perfect man’ in her life…but that she had not yet managed to create the ‘perfect job.’
“How can I have what I want to have in my life?” she asked. “I mean, all if it. The Law of Attraction says that you can ‘have it all,’ that nothing is too much to ask, so what am I doing wrong?”
I looked at her for a very long moment, then I said: “‘With respect, may I gently observe that ‘having’ is kindergarten stuff. ‘Being’ is graduate school. ‘Having’ is what children want. ‘Being’ is what students of mastery seek.
“Why are you so concerned with ‘having’ everything you want to have in life? Why not be concerned about ‘being’ everything you’ve always wanted to be? And I don’t mean what you’ve wanted to be, I mean what your soul has wanted to be.”
I told the woman that we were talking about States of Being here, not occupations or activities. We are not talking about stuff the body does. We are talking about stuff the soul IS, and which the soul seeks to express and experience, using the body as a tool with which to do so.
For most people such talk is pure “gobbledegook.” They can’t relate to a word I said. In this spiritual renewal retreat, however, there was great receptivity in the room. The woman to whom I was speaking clearly understood–and saw immediately the shift she chose to make in the focus of her life.
“There is,” I told the group, “an irony here. For the moment you begin focusing away from the desires of the body and on the agenda of the soul, the desires of the body automatically begin to be fulfilled.”
In other words, all the love, all the creativity in one’s work, all the physical safety and security, all the fame, money, power–all the anything that one could possibly need suddenly fall in on you…without your even trying to create it. It literally crashes in on you. It comes to you without effort.
This is what was meant by, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all else will be gathered unto you.”
I told the lady in Ausburg that the first step in having everything you want is to not want it, not need it, not search for it or reach for it or strive for it or yearn for it. First of all, I said, your life has nothing to do with your body. It has to do with your soul.
The body is something you have, it is not something you are. As I’ve said, it is a tool. A device. A mechanism. It is a physical machine, and a marvelous one, impeccably designed to facilitate the creation of the soul’s desire.
And what is the soul’s desire? We will take a look at that tomorrow!

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