The leaders of the world are getting it. All of the writing in Conversations with God said that they would, and they are. And so, the New Cosmology is about to be embraced, and the New Cosmology Movement is about to the launched.
The Day of Every Man for Himself is vanishing, and the Day of the Three Musketeers has arrived. (“One for all, and all for one.”)
The 7th book in the Conversations with God series of texts, Tomorrow’s God, contained a bold and sweeping prediction. It said that humanity would create a “new God” in the next 30 years. (And that was written five years ago–meaning we have only 25 years to go.)
By a “new God”, the dialogue did not mean a replacement God, but rather, a new understanding and a new experience of the Only God There Is. This will make it seem like a new God, because this new understanding will make humans aware that we have had it all wrong about God from the beginning, and it will become clear that God actually has characteristics that most, if not all, of our religions did not teach us about.
The CwG series likewise spoke in many places of the central truth of humanity’s reality: We Are All One. We are One with everything. One with each other, One with the planet, One with life itself, and One with God. There Divine truth is everywhere evidenced, and now becoming more and more clear: There is no Separation in the Universe.
We live in an inter-connected system of co-joined energy creating individualized expression of the same and singular Essence. Translation: everything is part of everything else.
This understanding will prove to be revolutionary among the citizens of planet Earth, because on this planet most of the spiritual and social systems are firmly based in the idea of Separation. Thus: Every man for himself.
Yet now we are seeing that there is NO spiritual or social system on the Earth that is Separated from any other. And there is no greater demonstration of that in the current moment than the meltdown of the world’s financial system.
If we thought, for even a moment, that the people of our nations–or our nations themselves–were independent entities, the near collapse of our global financial infrastructure has disabused us all of that notion. Newspapers are filled with pictures of the world’s political leaders standing side-by-side declaring, “We are all in this together. We either rise or we fall as one.”
Headlines on the editorial page of today’s International Herald Tribune say it all:
In the months ahead we are going to see an amazing amalgamation. No more will we hold the notion that economies–are anything else–can exist on this planet unilaterally. Soon to follow: global social systems. And after that: worldwide spiritual systems.
These are all, after all, simply systems of thought. And our thoughts can change. Indeed, our concepts about Everything–who we are, where we are, why we are here, and what in the world we are doing on this planet–are going to have to change if we expect to survive in any way that is satisfying and fulfilling in the human encounter.
WE ARE ALL ONE has become the rallying cry of the global financial system over the past weeks. It is only a matter of time before it becomes the Embraced Reality of our entire species.
…just as Conversations with God predicted that it would.
And I will have more to say about this in the days ahead, as we move into another time of major change: the presidential election in the United States. Nearly every nation on earth wants Mr, Obama to win. Worldwide surveys a couple of days ago revealed that the people of nearly all the nations of Europe and three out of four nations elsewhere are hoping for an Obama victory. Are two-thirds of the world’s people insane? Or is the planetary community trying to tell us something here…?

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