I said yesterday that I believe what the world needs is a new idea about God. Some of our present ideas are hurting us very badly. They can cause wars. They can produce violence.
I will explore more of this in the days ahead. Today, I want to share a short insert from Guest Columnist Linda Ratto, who is the director of The School of the New Spirituality. This is essentially a “sales pitch” about some new publications from the school, in which the messages of the Conversations with God texts are explored and explained in considerable detail.
I bring this information to this space now because I believe that it is within the messages of the New Spirituality that some of our most intriguing and exciting new ideas of God may be found. So let me give Linda the floor here, and so can tell you what she and the School of the New Spirituality now have to offer. And I’ll return to our discussion of A New God tomorrow.
By Linda Ratto
In this uncertain world, the inner strength of each soul may always be unveiled and nourished. This is the mission of the “Applications for Life” SNS Guidebook Series”
Hop on and see: http://www.schoolofthenewspirituality.com/guidebook-landing.cfm
Also see a sampling of one guidebook here:
Each of the eleven SNS CWG Guidebook titles companion one of the CWG texts. Our highly practical, chapter-by-chapter activities for adult fun may be easily shared with youth and can be part of daily personal, family and work/play leading to a new spirituality lifestyle. SNS is pleased to announce the availability of….
Conversations with God Guidebooks for CWG-Books 1, 2, and 3 in a Special Holiday CWG Trilogy Set: 3 Guidebooks for $49 – For more info, follow this link:
At last, the millions of CWG readers have answers, solutions and additional queries to their question: “I am inspired by the CWG messages — now how do I live them?”
Neale has heard this question for over a decade in hamlets, towns, cities, and hundreds of countries on every continent. In our guidebook series, each CWG chapter mirrors and expands the way of life that the CWG books offer.
From mini-God moments to planning on choosing happiness — and then doing it — these guidebooks bring essential ideas of the new spirituality into a daily balance of being + doing.
It is a choice. Contained in these delightfully simple guidebooks are literally hundreds of creative, fun ways to choose to play with God to make your dreams come true.
Undoubtedly, the CWG guiding principles set-in-motion in this CWG discovery Guidebook Set provide superb ways to nurture your mind, body and soul while stimulating and evolving all of your senses — including that sixth one.
Consider placing your precious energies into this brand-new SNS gift set for yourself or someone you care about. Emerging young adult leaders and adult teachers will find plenty of material in any one guidebook to create a workshop — or playshop as we like to call them at SNS. There is a bounty ready for you from:
a) Summaries of each CWG chapter content
b) An easy-to-use list of the Core Principles in the With God Series
c) Universal New Spirituality quotes and affirmations
d) Special learning objectives leading to clarity in choosing the principles to apply in your day-to-day life
e) Multi-sensory experiences for multi ages, including materials with which to actively and joyfully engage in living the new spirituality
f) Self-reflection activities
g) Action steps, chapter by chapter, for taking CWG into your local or global community
and far more…
The CWG Guidebooks of the School of the New Spirituality are perfect to use as a personal monthly or yearly “Living It” plan, or to follow as a spiritual caregiver, home school family, parent, grandparent, or teacher.
Order before Dec 5th for holiday delivery. A 3-Guidebook Set — 400+ pages of illuminating, revealing, FUN activities: only $49
Please know that all proceeds from SNS programs, interactive materials and services fuel the collective New Spirituality movement throughout our world community.
For even more daily spiritual fun, check-out our SPIRITwear —
The School of the New Spirituality organization is growing by leaps and bounds. Your contribution is building the new spirituality foundation for our next generations. In this current world context, your energies pave the way, step-by-step, on the pathway to global collective consciousness.

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