I have been convinced by a Christian minister that what we need in this world is a new idea about God. I want to thank Rev. Mark Holick of Wichita for that.
You may recall that yesterday in this space I spoke of an interview that Rev. Holick, is pastor of Spirit One Christian Church in Wichita, Kansas, had with CNN. The interview had to do with a sign that Rev. Holick had placed in front of his church, on which he claimed that President-Elect Barack Obama was a Muslim. Everyone knows that Barack Obama is a Christian, but Rev. Holick was not backing off of his assertion.
More pronounced in his interview with CNN, however, was Rev. Holick’s insistence that anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior is going to hell. “I do not believe that there is more than one path to God,” he said.
I closed my commentary about all this yesterday by saying that what we need now on this planet is a new idea about God. I’d like to talk about that a bit today.
Let me ask you some simple questions…
What do you think life would be like on this planet if we had a God who loved us unconditionally?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who did not need or want anything from us?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who did not tell us there was only one way to get back to Him?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who never judged us?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who would never condemn us to everlasting damnation for any reason?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who said there was no wrong way to celebrate sexuality between consenting adults?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who said we may use all the marvels of modern medical science at our disposal to improve the quality of our lives, including stem cell research?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who said that every woman has the right to choose whether she wishes an unexpected pregnancy, or a pregnancy created by rape or incest or brutal attack, to continue?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who said that nothing is separate from God, that all of life is interconnected, and that you and God are therefore one?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who declared that there is no such creature as Satan, and that hell does not exist?
What do you think life would be like if we had a God who announced that death does not
What do you think life would be like if we had a God we could fall in love with?

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