Each of us, in the living of our lives, brings a message to each of the other of us. In this way, God is made manifest in Man, and Divinity is expressed through Humanity.
Now the only way that anyone would have a problem with that is if someone carried a thought that God is not supposed to be made manifest in Man. As if that was somehow not part of the plan. Yet I am told that it is the whole plan; that the point of all of life is for Divinity to be expressed in life >em>through life — in the person of every human being. I am told that it is God’s great joy to see God’s Creations reach mastery in living and experience spiritual self-realization.
The above is something I wrote here in this space two days ago. The entry produced a slew of Comments, and I would like to take a look at those today…
Talking about the possibility and desirability of “doing something” to help our world, Marko wrote…
Many do things quietly working on bettering themselves and thus the world as a by product of their own self improvements. We gain inner peace and fix our own dysfunctions and by doing so we help the world as well. Yet when it comes to working on problems on a larger scale, do we do so with a huge organization that we can agree upon supporting or creating? Or is it the smaller grass roots orgs whose seeds will grow into tomorrow’s solutions? Will it be government handled with the blessings of the people as opposed to the opposite? A combination?
I don’t think that we have to choose between a “huge organization” and “smaller grass roots orgs.” This does not have to be a question of either/or. It can easily be both/and. It can also be both government organizations and NGO’s focusing on the challenges of our world. So I see, Marko, a combination. The important thing is for all of us to play our part. We saw what happened when millions of people all across America each did their part in sending financial support and offering their physical energies in cities, towns, and villages all across America for Barack Obama. Their combined efforts produced a modern political miracle.
Marko also spoke about “the new Renaissance of healing our dysfunctions as a world not separate but one.”
He said…
How that is done, I’m not sure. However, I think we need to prioritize the importance of things and I would start with just simple clean water and toilets to all and if we do that the rest will follow.
While I think this is a wonderful idea, I would not start there. I would start with a global program of citizen re-education. You say, Marko, that “we need to prioritize the importance of things.” I agree with you — and I think that the most important thing of all right now is the creation of a vast, worldwide program to re-educate humanity, and humanity’s children, with a new cultural story about who we are and why we are here and what our relationship to each other is and what our relationship to God is. If we do THAT, the rest will follow, Marko.
Yes, my friend, we need to be “we need to prioritize the importance of things,” just as you say, but who do we do that most rapidly and most effectively? That is the question. And the answer is, create learning environments all over the world that bring to human beings a new idea about themselves, a new thought about Life, and a new conceptualization about God.
We must ask ourselves: Who is God? What is God? What does God want, desire, and require?
And, finally, What is our Right Relationship to God, and to each other?
Presently the story we are telling ourselves about all that is not serving humanity. Our story drives us apart, not closer together. It pushes us into the pit rather than lifting us into the heavens. I firmly believe, Marko, that once we bring an end to Separation Theology — and to the Separation Cosmology, Psychology, and Sociology that it has created — then the rest truly will follow.
Creating clean water and sanitary toilets — desperately needed as that is in many parts of the world — is continuing to work at the level of Effect. I want to work at the level of Cause. What causes there to be a lack of potable water. What causes there to be no sanitary toilet facilities, still today, in so much of the world?
Get at the cause of all this dysfunction and you will solve the wells-and-toilets problem, but the problem of the attitudes and understandings that created it.
The person posting as “MJinba” asked, with regard to the security guard at a New York State Wal Mart store who was killed by shoppers who pushed through the doors on Black Friday looking for bargains…
What would be the most loving response to those who got lost in their blind excitement at Walmart and, surely to their horror, found that one’s own foot might have crushed the face of a fellow human being?
Actually, MJinba, I am not sure that it WAS “surely much to their horror.” Camera footage from security cameras inside the store show that people continued to make their way around the man on the floor even as he was dying, and it took police several minutes to get shoppers to open a path to the man. Even then — even as an announcement was made over the store’s P.A. system that the security guard had died, shoppers continued grabbing items off the shelves like crazy.
And when police asked the people to empty the store after the security guard died so they could do their work, shoppers refused to leave, some of them saying things like, “I waited on line since last night and I ain’t leavin’ here ’til I get what I came for.”
So much for the “horror” of the Wal Mart shoppers, many of whom trampled on top of the man’s chest as he lay there on the floor, causing from to die from suffocation, of all things, because his chest was constantly caved in by the feet of those folks and he could not get a breath into his lungs…
And we’ll have more responses and reactions to comment upon in our next visit here. Stay tuned.

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