Is suffering necessary in life on Earth? No, says Conversations with God. And all the spiritual masters of the world through all the ages have agreed. Yet how is this possible? Yesterday in the Comments Section of this blog the person posting as “ManFromTheMoon” asked… do we have to suffer, or not??? In one place…

Must a loving person never raise his voice, or say an angry thing, or use sharp words to make a point? My entry here yesterday brought some wonderful and interesting responses…among them, there was an entry from the person posting as “StormyMusic”, which said, in part… Dearest Neale, Please know that I mean this with…

God functions in a very particular way — and I do not believe this way has ever been accurately described for us by traditional religions. The New Spirituality, on the other hand, offers us deep insight into the mechanism of Life — or what we might call the process of God. Conversations with God makes…

In your opinion, have our earthly theologies provided humanity with effective guidance on how to live together in peace and harmony? Here’s my opinion: No. In fact, far too often they have produced just the opposite result. Today 400 children die of starvation every hour. Every hour. Yet it would be possible to feed all…

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