I just saw a poll at AOL.com that said that 85% of respondents supported the death penalty. Are you among them? Do you think we should kill people in order to stop people from killing people? The question on the survey was straightforward enough: “Do you support the death penalty?” I clicked on the NO…

Yesterday the high court in Connecticut overturned the ban on gay marriage there. It said that the State’s constitution did not permit the State Government to refuse to grant marriage licenses to gay couples. This is, the high court said, discrimination based on sexual orientation–an action not permitted by law. This leads to a critical…

Garrison Keillor is a syndicated columnist whose writings and work I have admired for a very long time. He has hundreds of thousands of other admirers all around the world. He wrote a column recently that was passed on to me, and I should like to lift a quote or two from it here. Says…

If you serve your country in public office, as a mayor, say, or a governor, it is not “work” in the regular sense, right? I mean, politicians don’t actually “work,” right? This is what some people think, anyway. In response to my column here yesterday about Sarah Palin, a person posting as “John” wrote.. We…

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