Did you know that your body is something you have, it is not something you are? As I’ve said in this space before, it is a tool. A device. A mechanism. It is a physical machine, and a marvelous one, impeccably designed to facilitate the creation of the soul’s desire. And what is the soul’s…

Is suffering necessary in life on Earth? No, says Conversations with God. And all the spiritual masters of the world through all the ages have agreed. Yet how is this possible? Yesterday in the Comments Section of this blog the person posting as “ManFromTheMoon” asked… do we have to suffer, or not??? In one place…

One of America’s most conservative female columnists has just called for Sarah Palin to get out of the race for vice-president, saying, essentially, that she is an embarrassment. Tomorrow we return to the topics of the New Spirituality, as Sunday School All Week continues, but postponed by a day…because today, I have a few stray…

Must a loving person never raise his voice, or say an angry thing, or use sharp words to make a point? My entry here yesterday brought some wonderful and interesting responses…among them, there was an entry from the person posting as “StormyMusic”, which said, in part… Dearest Neale, Please know that I mean this with…

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