It’s funny, I don’t have a ton of Pisces friends, and I’ve never dated one, either. So it must not be the most compatible match for my particular brand of Gemini. But that said, I am fully aware of Pisces’ power!
Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the zodiac, known for being dreamy and sensitive, with active imaginations. Some people think of this as a lazy sign, when you all you do is lie around and dream.
But resting and dreaming are quite different from being lazy, now aren’t they?
This month while the Sun is in Pisces is our chance to rest up before we being a new astrological cycle at the Spring Equinox. It’s important to take care of ourselves, and Pisces empowers us nourish our souls and regain strength before we begin again.
It’s normal to feel more spiritual during this time, and its easier to tap into your intuition. So rather than thinking of this as a lazy time, think of it as a powerful period to take care of yourself and others who need a tender Pisces touch.