After production on Marvel Cinematic Universe’s “Avengers: Endgame” wrapped, where he played the beloved Captain America, actor Chris Evans also reached an endpoint in his relationship with Los Angeles. The actor said he equates Los Angeles to “Pavlovian anxiety,” which is why he sought refuge and settled in New England, where he lived as a…

A new study reveals some interesting insights into the experiences of patients undergoing cardiac arrest (CA). The study is presented as the first of its kind, investigating conscious memories of CA patients who received CPR. The study looked at 53 survivors of CA, with 28 of the survivors being interviewed. Unique to the study, researchers placed…

lev radin / Shutterstock.com
Max Lucado is releasing a new book, God Never Gives Up on You: What Jacob’s Story Teaches Us About Grace, Mercy, and God’s Relentless Love, where he opened up about his struggles with alcohol at the height of his success. In an excerpt from the book posted by “Fox News,” Lucado revealed that twenty years…

Former NFL quarterback Alex Smith recently discussed his 7-year-old daughter’s battle with brain cancer, sharing that the 10-hour surgery to remove the malignant tumor in 2022 had “missed a piece.” Smith, who retired from the NFL in 2021 after coming back from a horrible leg injury that almost cost him his life after a subsequent…

It is a feel-good story of two men and their decades-long friendship. Bobby, 73, and Lew, 75, The Wall Street Journal reports, met in 1962 as they rode their bikes together. The pair have remained close friends during the following sixty years, going on outings together and discussing all sorts of topics. They have gone through…

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