kissing benefits

An expert recently dished out some juicy info that’ll have you locking lips even more. It turns out kissing is not only lush, it’s also a bit of a health kick. Dating guru Jacob Lucas spilled the beans about the physical and mental perks of a good old smooch. He revealed, “Saliva contains many substances that can fight bacteria or viruses. As passionate kissing often increases the flow of our saliva, that can help to keep our mouths, teeth and gums healthier.”

He added, “It also boasts our immunity as kissing exposes us to the potential germs lurking in another person’s mouth and equips our bacteria with the ability to fight them off. Passionate kissing can cause us to use multiple muscles in the body, and some studies have suggested that you can burn as many as 26 calories per minute. That’s over 100 calories in less than five minutes.” However, there’s more. Lucas explained, “The physical act of kissing can cause your brain to release a cocktail of chemicals – including oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. These can cause a euphoric feeling and also encourage us to feel affectionate and want to bond.”

For those looking to de-stress, Lucas has some good news, saying, “Kissing can also reduce the body’s cortisol levels, which can help you to relax and reduce stress. Cortisol is what your body releases during fight or flight, and it’s linked to stress and anxiety.” Lastly, he mentioned a heart-racing benefit: “Kissing can cause your heart rate to increase, which, in turn, causes your blood vessels to dilate. When this happens, it can lead to an immediate decrease in your blood pressure, which is great for a healthy heart.”

Lucas concluded, “Kissing can increase your heart rate, which can cause your blood vessels to dilate. When this happens, it can increase blood flow, which can help relieve pain like menstrual cramps or migraines. Plus, the boost of serotonin in our body is also said to be a natural pain reliever.”

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