According to new research, reducing your television intake to less than one hour a day could prevent one in nine cases of coronary heart disease. A team from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit and the Universities of Cambridge and Hong Kong have found that too much TV increases the risk of heart disease,…
There's a huge blood shortage in the U.S., and banks need your help. Don't let these misconceptions deter you from giving.

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels
Fitness enthusiasts are thrilled about a new study that suggests speed walking can help you to live longer.
Personal health and wellness are some of the most important aspects of life. When there is a strange sensation in or on the body, concern and curiosity follow suit. Doctors say the general rule of thumb is not to self-diagnose by searching the internet for associated symptoms. However, research studies claim that Googling symptoms can…

Negative thinking and emotions are a natural human response to life stressors, but if prolonged, they can severely negatively impact your health.

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