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In a year marked by financial worries and political tension, a new survey has uncovered the staggering impact of stress on everyday Americans. The average person feels their head “spinning” from stress a whopping 156 times per year, translating to about three times a week. This alarming statistic is just one of many eye-opening findings…
In an eye-opening study, scientists have discovered a crucial link between chronic stress and an increased risk of cancer metastasis, shedding light on why patients under severe stress often face poorer survival rates. The groundbreaking research, conducted on mice, shows that chronic stress not only paves the way for cancer to spread, especially to the…
People often say we can’t control everything that happens in life, but we can control how we react. It may sound cliché, but new findings out of Ireland show that perspective matters when life throws us unexpected and stressful curveballs. Researchers say gratitude offers a “unique stress-buffering effect” when it comes to both reacting to,…

Mindfulness meditation worked as well as a standard drug for treating anxiety in the first head-to-head comparison. The study tested a widely used mindfulness program that includes 2 1/2 hours of weekly classes and 45 minutes of daily practice at home. Participants were randomly assigned to the program or everyday use of a generic drug…
In life, health problems arise. Meditation can be a part of the solution.

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