“The journey is the destination.  Illuminate. The possible is within.” Dr.Kelly Mix Stork


On my way to a professional strategy appointment this
reminds  me there will be TWO
experts in the room.  My consultant
knows business and law and money. I’m an expert in the category of Mary Anne
Radmacher.  To illuminate the possible
with me I have to be willing to train the light on the deepest, darkest parts
of my soul.  The ones that don’t
usually see light.  For how can
there be true illuminating if not for the contrast of darkness?

In the course of the day the command, “Illuminate, ” played
many different parts.  I asked for
continual clarification when meaning was not clear.  I waited in silence more than usual. Just waiting for the
light to shine and do its work.

The dark places seem less ominous in the context of
illuminating the possible within. 
And, in fact, what I thought was so this morning is compass opposite of
what turned out when the light was shined.  Illuminating, indeed.

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