Embrace your convictions without apology.   (quote from PROMISES TO MYSELF, Conari Press)


“Well, I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you…”

Conflict is not at the top of many people’s list of favorite things.  There are times when a deeply held conviction requires that we take a different path.  Choosing a different road than your peers often generates difficulty.  This is not a matter requiring an apology but one that is to be celebrated.

“The best place to stand is where everyone else – isn’t.” If you’ve ever been to a Disney property you know the rarity of approaching something that is absent a line.  You never apologize for hopping on an entertaining ride absent standing in a line.  You celebrate it for sure!  So it is for the times in which embracing a conviction  of yours leads you away from your peer group.  It is an assurance that your vision toward your own goals and purpose is 20/20.

When I traveled to Paris with a group of friends, each traveler had different destinations in mind.  Rather than argue over where we would all go together, we each pursued our own way and met up at the end of the day.  No apologies.   There was fascinating dinner conversation.  Every one had fresh experiences to share and the journey was enlarged for everyone because of the diverse roads.

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