Or perhaps it is remembering yourself FORWARD to what matters!
Remember and Do What Matters
Discovery Process with Mary Anne Radmacher, $99
September 1 – 22
You might not realize it but you do KNOW what matters to you. You really do!
In the MUCH of daily living, it’s easy to disconnect from your MUST, the thing that puts wind beneath your wings and adds lightness to your being. Uncover how this disconnection manifests and create your unique way to reconnect.
Are you in your personal “flow” and do you want to heighten
your capacity to see and assess all the opportunity around you? Conversely,
Do you dread your “to do” list? Does most everything weary you?
Do you feel vaguely or even decidedly unsatisfied? Do you care a great deal (maybe too much) what others say about you? Have you said “Yes” to so many things that you feel behind all the time?
Say YES to one more, this one. Come spend time with me. I’ll guide you in a process that has enabled many to embrace, again, the things that truly matter to them. We’ll work together to get what matters to you back in your line of sight and create a set of reminding measures to call you back if you begin to stray or lose focus.
It’s a 22 day process – the perfect amount of time to form a new habit – the habit of being connected to what truly matters to you. Come discover and uncover with me starting Sunday, September 1. Sensitive to the times and economy, I’m making this guided process the thriftiest I’ve ever offered at only $99. Write me for payment options [email protected].
Remember what matters, YOU and your MUST!