Daily Joys and Simple Pleasures

Here’s how I know I just had an “AHA” moment while on my errands. Alone, in the car, I exclaimed aloud, “Ah-ha! So THAT’s how ordinarily wonderful and typically kind people tolerate bullying at so many levels.” I drove past the house we just moved out of. In the midst of packing I noted no…

I’ve checked in with my friends in Little Rock, Arkansas. Tales of “just missed” danger, lightning strikes and power failures have me exceptionally thankful for the blue skies outside my windown. My friends are safe. Many others are not. Harm has come to many and death to others whose loss will long be felt. Such…

“REALLY?  One more thing to add to an already crammed day,” the busy mother asks as she reviews the suggested Earth Day events sent home with her daughter’s homework assignments. Go gentle into that busy day, dear souls!   Earth Day is not an opportunity to pack your day with yet ONE MORE THING to…

  HOLY WEEK: CONTRASTS in Now, Then and Forever   Within seven days… you have  a penchant for saying so much with so little, the Strunk and White of Elemental Spirit, You teach brevity and economy of expression. In seven days You call forth a world. You consider unacceptable things in seven. In seven days,…

For some, today is simply Wednesday. If you celebrate Easter in its cultural capacity it’s less than five days left to feather the nests of traditional grass in the Easter baskets. And for those whose systems invite them to a Christian practice – it is the mid-point between Palm Sunday and the joyous celebration of…

It takes courage to let go of weighty parts of your past. It takes courage to find your own voice.  It takes COURAGE to reinvent joys. from “Courage Doesn’t Always Roar” by mary anne radmacher

“I was just kidding.” “Don’t take it so seriously, I was just foolin’ around.” How many times do you hear those words?  How many times do you say those words? I am an advocate of many writing practices.  Every one begins with simply paying attention to words. This video is sweeping the world and inspiring…

Dear God, As I hold in my hand this next, small, utterly unexpected miracle, I know whom to thank. Thank You. Thank you for all the ways that you bless my life, soul, heart, view and being. Thank you for the angels you hold so precious in whose company you have allowed me to walk…

Years ago I wrote, “What is a voice if it remains silent against leagues of tyranny?” Today, I heard from one of the deployed soldiers that my husband and I have “adopted.”  We send supportive packages and letters to him and his platoon.  He made it clear that a government shut down would mean that…

You promise yourself. “THIS is the day. This is the day I am going to remain positive.” Or, “THIS is the day I am not going to complain.” And then, five minutes after you show up at work, you’re filling your cup with some hot beverage and the delivery starts. “Did you hear? Glen Beck…

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