It was only a matter of time until something like this came along: a grassroots Catholic movement against Rudy Giuliani.

The place is still under construction — if you visit, wear your hard hat and watch your step — but it’s already got a lengthy blog roll and a few links.

You’ll also notice a link to “Gear,” where you can invest in stuff like the button on the left. Tee shirts, too.

It remains to be seen if this “CAR” will have much mileage. I sort of doubt it — similar moves against Kerry didn’t make much of a dent — but it bears watching, particularly if Rudy gets the nomination (as some polls seem to indicate) and if more bishops start to weigh in.

Most Catholics I know are more concerned about homeland security and the war in Iraq than they are about traditional “Catholic” issues like abortion; they’ll unapologetically vote for whichever candidate they think will keep the country safe from another terror attack. But it’s early in the game. We’ll see.

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