Mass attendance (and money in the collection basket) tends to drop off during the summer months, as people head off for vacation. And a Catholic paper out in Oregon decided to report on this phenomenon, and how parishes cope: Vacation and other summer activities cut into Mass attendance and collections at many Oregon Catholic parishes.…

With an institution as colorful and as ancient as the Catholic Church, you never lack for papal prognosticators who spend a lot of their time huddled in corners, dissecting plots and hidden motives. A surprising number of these tea-leaf readers are priests. And now, after the two big pronouncements from Rome in the last couple…

In Cincinnati, Ohio, a group of deacons just celebrated a silver jubilee, with a 25th anniversary mass and some thoughts on both the ministry — as well as the unique role of the deacon’s wife: Barry Mersmann, current director of the Diaconate Office, said some bishops across the country have said that a parish is…

When I was growing up, I knew some kids who belonged to St. Camillus parish — but I’d never actually met anyone named Camillus, and never even knew much about this saint. Now, thanks to this post over at Sed Contra, I do: Saint Camillus founded the Congregation of the Servants of the Sick and…

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