Catholics are known for being unabashedly pro-life. But a committed group of Catholics in Indiana is adding another dimension to that idea, by shedding light on one of the darkest corners of human life, and one many don’t like to talk about: suicide. From the Catholic Moment newspaper in Lafeyette, Indiana: Wearing T-shirts that read…

Looking for a little good news? A U.S. sociologist who has been studying Catholics offered an encouraging word or two at a dinner recently in Washington: In an Oct. 3 talk at Georgetown University in Washington before receiving an award from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) for his contribution to church…

Today is “Respect Life” Sunday around the United States, when many priests and deacons will preach on the sanctity of life and the need to pray for an end to abortion. But no homily, I think, could be more meaningful than this woman’s testimony, published in the Georgia Bulletin: Every year on Respect Life Sunday,…

Milwaukee is known for much more than beer: these days, it’s also brewing a star Catholic baseball player named Vinny Rottino. He’s living his faith and proclaiming it — most recently, in the pages of the Milwaukee Catholic newspaper: Kathie Solie remembers vividly the day in 2002 when her young groundskeeper at the Siena Center…

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