With all the buzz surrounding “Bella” this fall, the Catholic press paid scant attention to another passionately pro-life movie about an unwanted pregnancy and a mother who chooses life: “Juno.” I finally caught up with “Juno” last night. You might call it a “Bella” for cynics, but that would do a disservice to cynics. It’s…

Once, it seemed like every Catholic politician in America was running for president. But no more. An interesting summary of what happened, and why, from CNS: Less than a year ago, nearly a dozen Catholics — Republicans and Democrats — had either declared as candidates for president, started an exploratory committee or been widely mentioned…

No, we’re not having a Don Ho moment here at The Bench. The bubbles in question are found at an innovative new spiritual website called Other6. It seeks to feed people who are seeking spiritual food for the other six days of the week. Hence the name. (Duh.) The good people at Busted Halo profiled…

Has the ecumenical movement lost steam? That’s the big question behind Peter Steinfels’ column this Saturday, marking the centennary of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. A snip from the New York Times: In many countries, Christians deeply devoted to unity among their separate groups will gather in one anothers’ churches to pray and…

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